Linder Road Church of Christ is an undenominational, biblically-based church in Meridian, Idaho. We believe in Jesus as our Savior and the Bible as our guide. We believe in trusting God just as the first century Christians did: through simplicity and peace, creating a positive impact on our world. Please join us as we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ each Sunday.
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Identity - Perseverance
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
This lesson in our Identity series focuses on the virtue of perseverance, which Peter identifies in verse 6 of 2 Peter, chapter one. After defining the term, examples of heros from the Old And New Testaments are discussed in light of their struggles to persevere. Then, from Acts 18:9-11, 3 reasons to remain steadfast are discussed, as follows: 1) do not be afraid, God is with you, 2) God is present during our times of loneliness, and 3) God gives us a purpose. The lesson ends with the encouragement to be steadfast and never quit, and with an invitation to respond to the lesson.
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Identity - Self-control
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Next in this series on Identity, the characteristic of self-control is explored. Referencing scriptures from 2 Peter and 1 Corinthians, four suggestions for developing self-control are presented as follows: 1) self-control develops by knowing your purpose, 2) self-control requires discipline, 3) self-control grows with an eternal perspective, and 4) avoiding the penalty of disqualification. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to continue pressing on towards the goal of heaven by developing your identity in Christ.
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Identity - Knowledge
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
In this continuing series on embracing our true nature, the quality of knowledge is explored. Using 2 Peter 1:3-8 and related scriptures, the lesson develops 2 central points regarding knowledge: 1) developing a deeper, experiential, practical knowledge of God and Jesus, and 2) applying this practical knowledge in our lives. The lesson ends with the encouragement to embrace true knowledge and to experience the transformation as application is made in our lives.
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Identity: Moral Excellence
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This lesson series discusses the 7 qualifying marks of our Christian identity. Moral excellence or virtue is covered in this particular lesson using 2 Peter 5-9 and related scriptures to explore three main points: 1) our challenge to display moral excellence, 2) the impact that association with other saints has on our character, and 3) the dedication to maintain heavenward thinking. The lesson ends with the encouragement to be a moral hero and bring glory to God with our influence.
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
This lesson explores the concept of control and the struggles we have dealing with control in the various aspects of our life. Using scriptures from Ephesians 6:11-12 and related passages, the three main points covered are: 1) recognize some things are out of our control, 2) recognize we can control some things, and 3) recognize the things only God has control over. The lesson ends with an invitation to respond to the message.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Steadfast Love
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Using verses from Lamentations 3:22-24, this lesson provides encouragement to trust in the steadfast love of the Lord. Jeremiah, the prophet, wrote these words of hope after the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC to encourage the people in captivity to look to God’s goodness in the midst of their difficulties. These words also encourage us today to remember the steadfast love of the Lord, to anchor to the rock of his kindness and loving mercies, and to daily be refreshed in the new every morning beginning God provides. The lessons ends with the invitation to respond to the message.
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Commitment and the Heart of Worship
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Based on the text of Hebrews 10:22-25 and related scriptures, this lesson discusses two of the aspects at the heart of worship. The spiritual food of God’s Word and the close connection to God that we build through consistent prayer are explored as we look at Jesus in his life example and teachings. The lesson concludes with a comparison of the Christian life to a climber, drawing the conclusion that as Christians, we are not meant to climb alone, but rather we are intimately connected with our brothers and sisters, and one component that is critically important to our worship is the unity we share in Christ.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Prodigal Father
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Commitment to Unity
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Using texts from Ecclesiastes 12:9-12 and other related scriptures, this lesson explores the importance of unity in the church. The primary points covered are: 1) there is inherent strength in being united with one another, 2) there is sweet fellowship in unity, 3) unity and prayer go together, and 4) Christians are called to unity. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to love one another and an invitation to respond to the message.
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Blink of an Eye
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
This lesson, taken from Philippians 3:17-21, develops the idea of how short this earthly life experience is when compared with eternity. The two main points of the lesson are: 1) the dangers of living only for today, and 2) the need to develop a proper view of life and eternity. The lesson concludes with two thought provoking stories about future perspective, and the encouragement to make right decisions now.
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Spring is Coming
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
This lesson from Philippians 3:7-16 develops the spiritual metaphor of how the promise of spring fuels our ability to weather the storms of winter. Using various examples of times when God’s people experienced spiritual winter, such as the 400 years of Egyptian bondage, the 40 years of desert wandering, the Assyrian/Babylonian captivities, the crucifixion of Jesus and the 3 day wait for his resurrection, this lesson demonstrates that God is always faithful to bring his people out of winter into spring, by strengthening them to overcome the trials. Three key parallels are demonstrated from these examples: 1) we must die to self, 2) don’t look back, and 3) live tenaciously. The lesson ends with the encouragement to finish the race well!
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Mothers, Amazing Women
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Growing in Faith
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
This lesson based in the book of Daniel, explores the components of growing into a mature faith. Using key verses from Daniel and other related scriptures, we explore situations where Daniel and his 3 friends experienced the trials that stretched their faith, strengthened their faith, tested their faith, and ultimately matured their faith. The lesson concludes with the question “Where is your faith?”, and with the encouragement to believe in Jesus, by committing or recommitting to trust in him.
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Fear - Do Not Be Anxious
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Based on Matthew 6:25-34, this lesson looks at the human tendency to worry about various things, which categorize into 2 general areas, matters that are outside of our control or unknowns in the future. The lesson develops 3 key concepts to implement that can help rid our lives of unproductive worry: 1) time spent focusing on God rather than focusing on problems, 2) thinking on good, true, excellent, commendable ideas, and 3) tasks that fulfill the purpose of the Christian life. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to be faithful and trust in God’s provision.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Waiting as God’s People
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Waiting is something most people dislike, but the experience is not new for God’s people. The scriptures describe many examples where God called his people to wait in the midst of various circumstances, such as Abraham, Moses, the children of Israel, Mary, and Christians. Using Isaiah 40:28-31 as the focus, several key concepts are developed including: 1) waiting implies trust and hope, 2) waiting brings renewed strength, and 3) waiting for the Lord removes weariness. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to claim God’s promise and lift up your eyes to the Lord.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
The Resurrection - Foundation of our Hope
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
The lesson, included in this congregational worship recording, is based on 1 Peter 1:3-5 and explores the foundational message of the resurrection of Jesus as the primary focus of our hope, joy, and lives. The three key areas discussed are: 1) our Living hope, 2) our Lasting hope, and 3) our Loving hope. The lesson concludes with an invitation to make Jesus your foundation if you have not, or to be reconciled if you have drifted away.
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Hope - Looking down the Road
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
This lesson explores the question of “Where do you find your hope?” The focus of the lesson is a contrast between finding the eternal hope we can have based on our relationship with Jesus compared to the temporal hope that is grounded in changing circumstances such as wealth, health, or entertainment. The key ideas discussed are: 1) the better hope found in Christ, 2) the joy and peace we have by the power of the Holy Spirit, and 3) the heavenly stimulus package we are promised as our living hope. The lesson concludes with the Lord’s Supper and the encouragement to fix your hope in Jesus and “shelter in peace”.
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Fear - Don’t squeeze the skunks!
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
This lesson begins with thoughts from 1 Corinthians, chapters 10 and 11 including a celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The rest of the lesson is focused on the subject of fear and how we should handle it. An illustration regarding skunks is used to set the stage for the bulk of the lesson from Psalm 46. The two major points covered are: 1) God is a present help in times of trouble and 2) he is our shelter. In him we can “shelter in peace” trusting in his care through every circumstance, whether it is natural disasters or the conflicts that arise in this world. The lesson ends with the encouragement to find peace in the stronghold of God, concluding with the biblical questions “How do we make God our refuge and have you made Jesus the bedrock of your life?”
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
From Where You Are
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Starting in Genesis 3:1-6, this lesson explores the relationships we have with one another as Children of God and the challenges we face in getting along. The points covered in the lesson include instructions by Paul from Ephesians 4 and Colossians 3, encouragement to continue in hope from 1 Peter 1:3-5, and practical reminders of how we ought to love another from 1 Peter 1:22 - 2:3. The lesson concludes with an invitation to respond to the message.
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Seeing the Big Picture
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
In this lesson taken from Acts 20:17-31, the Great Commission to teach the world about Jesus is explored by looking at the Apostle Paul’s example. Three key concepts are covered: 1) the Message needs a great attitude, 2) the Message should be taught anywhere, and 3) the Message should be taught to anyone. The lesson ends with the encouragement to keep your attention focused on the big picture and with an invitation to respond to the message.
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Looking for Peace?
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Using John 20:18-23, this lesson seeks to answer the question “Where do you go to find peace?” The situation explored is the Apostles' state of mind and their reactions to the events surrounding Jesus’ resurrection and his appearances to them in the locked room. In the midst of their fear, Jesus came and gave them (and all of his followers) peace in four areas: 1) peace with God, 2) peace with other Christians, 3) peace with self, and 4) peace with the world. The lesson concludes with a recap of the purpose all followers find in being sent to offer His peace to the world and with an invitation to respond to Jesus.
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Seeing Fear without Fear
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
“God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold the world guilty of its sins. And he gave us this message of peace. So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God.” 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Identity Thief
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Your Identity is Key to Your Destiny
In this continuing series on finding our Christian Identity, 1 Peter 2:4-11 is explored to develop the theme of protecting our spiritual identity. The main concepts covered are: 1) your identity is a powerful resource, 2) protecting your identity, and 3) a proper view of your identity will lead to your destiny. The lesson ends with encouragement from 1 John 1:9 and an invitation to respond to the message.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
The Perfect Imprint of the Father
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
This lesson, in the continuing series on finding our Christian identity, uses John 5:1-24 and other related scriptures to look at the character and personality of God as revealed in the person of Jesus. The main points covered in this lesson are: 1) the Son of Life, 2) the Son of Judgement, and 3) the Son of Honor. The lesson concludes with the text of Hebrews 1:3, describing Jesus’ attributes as the exact representation of God, and an invitation to respond to the message
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Don't Get Lost in the Suit
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
This lesson, on finding our identity as Christians, is based on 2 Peter 1:1-4 and discusses embracing our true nature. The three main points covered are: 1) knowing who you are, 2) knowing where you stand, and 3) knowing what to do. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to take hold of God’s divine qualities.
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Identity: Embracing Your True Nature Begins with Faith
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
This lesson begins a new series on finding our identity as Christians. Using 2 Peter 1:1-13 as the outline, this lesson explores the foundation of our identity beginning with faith. The main points covered are: 1) obtaining faith, 2) obtaining the divine qualities of faith, and 3) the rewards we reap. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to add the divine qualities of God’s nature to your life.
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Entrusting Ourselves to the Shepherd
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
This lesson, based on Psalm 23, discusses the attributes of entrusting ourselves to Jesus. Looking at the words of David, three main concepts are developed: 1) entrusting your life to the Shepherd, 2) entrusting your plans to the Shepherd, and 3) following the Shepherd. This lesson concludes with an invitation following the encouragement to trust God with your today as well as your future.
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Building a Bridge to the Future
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Beginning with a reading from Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 and using Proverbs 29:18 as an outline, this final lesson on Building Bridges looks at envisioning the future. The three main points of the lesson are: 1) building a bridge to the future requires vision, 2) two things in common with future bridges, and 3) sharing a common pursuit. The lesson ends with the encouragement to develop true vision and an invitation is offered to anyone needing to respond to the message.
Friday Dec 20, 2019
God's Benefits
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
This lesson looks at the first five verses of Psalm 103, where David praises the Lord with his soul and whole being as he reflects on the benefits he has received. The three main benefits emphasized are forgiveness, redemption and being crowned with love and mercy. The lesson concludes with an invitation and is followed by a 2019/2020 budget summary being presented to the congregation.
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Building Blocks for Enduring Families
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
This lesson, based on Psalm 127, explores the building blocks necessary for enduring families. The four building blocks discussed are: 1) a strong sense of commitment, 2) a strong sense of communion, 3) strong sense of communication, and 4) a strong sense of consecration. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to delve into the Bible and follow God’s blueprint for our families.
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Relationships-Building a Family Foundation
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
In this lesson on building a strong family foundation, Jesus’ teaching from Matthew 7:24-27 is explored in the context of building the right kind of foundation in the family. The two men in the story are compared to each other, one being wise for building a foundation on solid rock and one being foolish for setting a foundation on sand. The main concepts explored are the importance of a strong foundation and how to build a family foundation that will last. The lesson concludes with an invitation to join the family of God.
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Building Bridges: Preserving Relationships
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
In this lesson on relationships, Philippians 2:1-8 provides key concepts on maintaining the beauty of the church. Paul’s emphasis is on preserving unity by having the same mind, the same love and the same purpose. The main points explored in this lesson are preserving the beauty of our relationships and following the perfect example of Jesus. The lesson concludes with an invitation to respond to Jesus.
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Building Bridges to Beautiful Relationships
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
This lesson focuses on several keys elements necessary for building beautiful relationships in the church, a bridge to bring people together from all walks of life. Philippians 2:1-4 is used as the foundation to identify four marks of beautiful relationships: 1) the mark of encouragement, 2) the mark of love, 3) the mark of fellowship, and 4) the mark of mercy. The lesson ends with the encouragement to relate to one another in a way that maintains the beauty of the church. The invitation to come to God through Jesus in baptism was offered.
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Building Bridges to Meaningful Relationships
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
In the continuing series on building bridges, this lesson focuses on three key questions we can ask and answer about developing meaningful relationships. The questions covered are: 1) what creates meaningful relationships in the church, 2) why are meaningful relationships so important in the church, and 3) how can I have meaningful relationships? The lesson concludes with the invitation to come to Jesus, friend of sinners and become part of His church.